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My name is Mark Stone.

I created this site about penis enlargement because I was fed up with all the bullshit I saw on the internet that was claiming to offer real penis enlargement.

None of that stuff works for real penis enlargement - It is all total bullshit.

I want to tell you about what I know about penis enlargement and how I enlarged my penis for real without any of that bogus 'penis enlargement' crap that is all over the net.

I just want to tell it like it is and what I found out about real penis enlargement methods that work.
I used to have real hang ups about the size of my penis. Even though I read articles and looked at statistics that said I was perfectly normal - Why was it than when I went to the gym I always felt small.

Everybody else in the world seemed to have a giant dick but me and I would look in the mirror and wonder why did I have a small dick. Like I said, I read all the stats and even though I was apparently average - it sure as hell didn't look that way.

I read all of that stuff about how it doesn't matter during sex and everything else, and I guess it doesn't really but the thing is I felt like shit. I was afraid to show the thing.

Even when I was using a public urinal, I would push myself up against it so my penis or lack of it, wouldn't be seen. In a lot of ways I had created this problem myself but still - mathmatically it didn't add up.

I felt small and I was.

So I looked at everything. I looked at all the stupid devices, I tried pumps and it scared me to death because my penis really hurt and then I read an article about veins exploding..I gave up and then I spoke to somebody else and they told me the same thing. Penis pumps don't work.

I tried the cream and the pills and all sorts of crap. All I got out of it was a sore dick and even lower self esteem.

Then about two years ago I read this article that talked about a new way of penis enlargement - Based on my track record, I read it but I wasn't expecting anything.
The article was talking about a whole bunch of new concepts, one of which was called induction training and biostimulation. I thought had heard it all before but this seemed different because the first thing that caught my attention was that there wasn't anything for sale. It was a methodology and it made sense.
It talked about penis enlargement just like preparing for a major athletic event.

It was coherent and like I said, it made sense. Most importantly there was no junk and no hardware to order, just your dick, the system and your brain.

I contacted the group that developed it and they sent me a copy.

How much did it cost ?

Two Hundred Bucks ! I thought man was I desperate - I had to be crazy. You can rest assured that when I got the package, which was a book, I immediately started reading it because I wanted to make sure I got my money's worth before I jumped off the nearest bridge.

Something happened though. I read through the first part and just started working it the way it was laid out in the book. The first night, I had the most incredible orgasm I've ever had - But - My dick was still small.

After about 4 days though something  incredible started to happen.
Let me make this crystal clear, beware the scam artists on the internet selling their amazing so called penis enlargement pills because there is no such thing as a pill that can be used for penis enlargement. It doesn't matter what company is selling it, penis enlargement pills don't work.

Penis enlargement pills should be regarded as fake. There is absolutely no such thing as a penis enlargement pill and you cannot enlarge your penis using any so called penis enlargement pills. In fact, it's just an outright scam, pure and simple and maybe you already found that out, the hard way...

I got an erection and placed the measuring tape against it to measure.

I had gained 1/2 an inch in 2 weeks - The stupid thing worked!

So needless to say I continued and man did I continue. I worked that system everyday and followed everything precisely. I write this a year and half later and I have still maintained permanent effects from the system.

I started at just over 5 1/2 inches hard and I'm now nearly 9 inches and much thicker than I ever was.

The system worked and it has made a REAL difference.

When I look at all those things out there and realize what a total crock of shit they are, I feel sorry for the guys who are still falling for them. You don't have to fall for that stuff either, there are real solutions that work...

So where does that leave you ? You're still looking like I was. I was getting email all the time asking me for the contact information of the group that offers the same induction/biostimulation system.

But the bad news is that they don't produce the system I got anymore.

The good news is that they've licensed it for distribution on the internet.

What does that mean ? It means that instead of $200, it's much cheaper and it's the same system, in fact better than the one I started with.

Now you're thinking that I'm probably full of shit because I'm selling it.. No way..I put up this website to help cut through the bullshit and tell my story about penis enlargement that really works - and if I can help you in the process, that's even better...
My dick started to feel heavier, I actually started to feel like this crazy thing was working. That's when I said it was all in my head, because there was no way that anything was happening - It wasn't possible.

I didn't measure it because part of the method is that you can't measure it until you are two weeks through it. So there I was, thinking that my dick was getting bigger and no way to know if it really was or not.

But I stayed with it - Because I'd spent $200 bucks on it !

After two weeks of following everything dilligently I was supposed to measure. This was the great test of this penis enlargement system and my manhood. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do if it failed, even though the book assured me that response varied by a week or so. I had to check.

I followed everything the system said about measuring and how to measuring and what to do prior to measuring etc. I stood there alone in my room, feeling excited but kind of depressed too and reached for the measuring tape
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