YES! We made a mistake, we made a real mistake but you already know mistakes and failure bring you one step closer to...


While Mad Labs Research was investigating some strange results that came from our Automated Search Engine Optimization Technology we found that some sites were ranking, faster and better than others...And...

That's when we started looking into WHY...

Why do some sites always outrank others, faster and easier? Even though they're using the EXACT same techniques, systems, solutions and on page optimization strategies...WHY?
We developed 3 proprietary in-house algorithms to auto-optimize sites but...

In the THIRD PROCESS, which we believed to be the LEAST POWERFUL, we  included an auto-sitemapping backup procedure that was there to double-check the overall performance of our search engine optimization procedures...In other words, it  was just there so we could troubleshoot any issues and easily find problems in the code...BUT...

Without boring you with the FULL DETAILS...We were deliberately using 'garbage sites' to test the system. (Why would we run high-quality sites through something that was untested?) - But...

Much to our surprise, the 'garbage sites' were outranking the 'quality sites' AND...

These 'garbage sites' were getting spidered and indexed faster than everything else...AND...

When we looked closer, we quickly understood EXACTLY WHY...
We've spent more than Ten years refining the art of our exclusive site-mapping and url propogation technology. We've used this technology in numerous incredible game-changing products like Digital Asset Machine, SEO Optimatic, Rank Rocker and many other unique and powerful solutions...So imagine our surprise when we discovered a 'flaw' within our own system that made it even more powerful for specific kinds of "problematic websites"...BECAUSE...
I have SEO Optimatic Or Rank Rocker...Does Anubis Replace These Products?

Absolutely Not. Different situations require and benefit from different tools. These other products are automated search engine optimization products. Automated SEO solutions created by Mad Labs do very specific things in very particular circumstances just as Anubis does something very specific in specific circumstances. Each situation calls for specific tools, just like anything else you encounter on a daily basis. Anubis is best used on multi-page websites. This can include any kind of static website, WordPress install or any other kind of multi-page site.

So When Should I Use Anubis?

Anubis is for sites that have either been blacklisted, aren't moving forward using any other tools or methods OR in any circumstance when you want to deliver an EXTRA, tightly-focused KICK to ANY website. So yes, you could use Anubis on TOP of any other Mad Labs product and there will not be an overlap or duplication of services. In other words, ALL Mad Labs products are developed to be used in harmony together, no product is exactly like the other and product does the same thing as another Mad Labs product.

Can I Use Anubis On YouTube Videos Or Other Similar "One Url Only" Type Content?

Anubis is built for websites. It isn't created for YouTube videos or other content only urls. To get the most impact from Anubis, you should use it on multi-page websites. Single page 'sales' type websites do not perform as well with Anubis.
Is This A Web Based Application?

Anubis is built for Microsoft Windows. It works on your Windows Desktop PC.

Can I Use Anubis For My Client's Websites And Are There Are Any Limitiations?

When you get Anubis today, you can use the software for an unlimited number of your own sites and there are NO ongoing fees - ever.
If you want to use Anubis for client website's and you anticipate a much larger volume of site submissions than 'normal', then we suggest you get Anubis Extreme Edition.
You'll start by opening Anubis on your desktop...Just like every other Mad Lab's product, you'll immediately know you're working the most unique, high-quality software solution available anywhere in the 'internet marketing world' - In fact, you already know that's what makes us stand clearly apart from the rest...Design, Development, Hardcore UNIQUE Algorithms and Methodologies always clearly differentiate every Mad Labs product from everybody else...And...

Just like every other Mad Labs product, we've made sure that using Anubis is deviously simple, so easy in fact, you don't need to know ANYTHING about Search Engine Optimization other than you want to boost the rankings of your site...Because...

To get the highest level of performance from Anubis, you'll do just one very simple thing, you'll provide the main domain or primary URL of the site you want to fix, improve, boost or send your site soaring ahead of your competitors in Google, Bing and Yahoo...AND...

Anubis analyze's your website, it could take a few minutes but is generally less than Ten Minutes total...Anubis will snapshot your site to the Anubis "Stargate SEO Server", that's just one of Mad Lab's unique cluster of Linux based machines that do all the long term heavy lifting for you. Once Anubis creates this proprietary snapshot of your site, that data is forwarded into the Stargate SEO Server at which point your site is further analyzed and uses a very powerful and Mad Lab's exclusive technique we call 'priming' your URL is then force fed to the search engines and queued for rapid spidering by Google, Bing and Yahoo.
We're making Anubis available for just 72 Hours and we're ONLY offering to our valued Mad Labs VIPS.

Anubis will not be available anywhere else and during this special VIP ONLY OFFER, you'll get the complete package for just $97 complete...

No hidden tricks, no upsells, backend sales, dirty tricks - ever. That's the Mad Lab's promise always and...

You already know we build the best and stand by YOU and our work...So that's why your purchase today is also unconditionally covered by our absolutely EXCLUSIVE "It's Weird But It Works", Money-Back Guarantee.

Use and abuse Anubis all you want and if at any time, you just think it sucks and simply doesn't do what we KNOW it does...We Stand By YOU! Because...

We value our VIPs more than anything else and that means YOU!
And remember, maybe Anubis isn't for you, maybe it's not what you want or what you need right now - (Maybe You Don't Want The Ranking Power Or Results That Anubis Delivers) - BUT...BECAUSE...You're a Mad Labs VIP, we make our newest and best products available to you because we are always discovering and building the most cutting-edge, most unique and most powerful solutions available anywhere but whether you choose to use Anubis is always completely up to you...We still think YOU'RE THE BEST!

ANUBIS Is Backed By Mad Lab's 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Use It, Abuse It But Choose It RIGHT NOW Because We Do All The Work & YOU Make All The Money.
Revive, Restore & Rank Delisted, Stubborn, Sluggish Or Unresponsive Sites...

Anubis is the result of more than 20 years of hardcore experience in search engine optimization, software development and search engine reverse engineering. If search engine rankings don't matter to you, then Anibus may not be for you. If you don't care about losing the investment of time and money that you've spent on websites that simply haven't met your expectations or have disappeared from the search engine results then perhaps Anubis is not for you...BUT...

You already know you take your web business and marketing very seriously and because of that, every single-step you can do to protect your investment and build your business is the most essential component of everything you do. It's the life blood of your business and everything you're doing online and because of that...

You already clearly see that each situation is unique and for every problem there is a specific solution that gives you the extreme edge over your competiton and when you know it's built around rock-solid proof, testing and extensive development from the minds of Mad Lab's Research, you are indeed getting the very best - always...

YES - This is a limited time offer and we will not maintain this extremely low "invitation only" price forever...

Get Anubis Right Now And Get Instant Access To The Advanced Search Engine Ranking Technology In Just Minutes From Now...

It's Just That Simple.