YES! This IS An Almost Live Update From Mad Lab's Research in
beautiful Boca Raton, home to Mad Labs Research and some other
crappy outfit you may have heard of called IBM or International Business Machines, (If you're into syllables...) -  My name is Peter Wray, I'm the
CEO of Mad Labs Research and in the past 20 years of online marketing, development - And our ongoing committment to the art and science of success, I've seen a lot of "players" come and go...

Like yourself, I've also seen an endless slew of crapy, shiny objects and other Third-Rate, low-budget outsourced junk  with outlandish promises from 'expert marketers' who couldn't reliably open an Excel sheet...

We've all seen this stuff, and most fun of all, I've seen them all come and go over the years...Unfortunately however, we've all been victimized by the clowns, sharks and morons who made outlandish promises based on something goofy...Sorry, THAT makes me angry..But enough about that...

The only reason that stuff is important is because...We're a REAL marketing, development and R&D company...And BECAUSE...We KNOW about the pain and hair-pulling involved in running a daily business, just like you,
we NEVER SCREW our VALUED VIP customers with CRAP...
Peter A. Wray
CEO, Mad Labs Research, LLC.
"Build your brand new site, static html, Wordpress, some other CMS system...It doesn't matter, simply enter your brand new URL into the ATLAS Interface and BOOM! Within 5 minutes, the power of the automated SEO engine behind Mad Lab's newest and most powerful site submission and auto-optimization package...ever created...

Ideal for first time users, new site builders and anybody that wants to DOMINATE THE SEARCH ENGINES using our most powerful back-end technology combined with 'out of the box' elegant simplicity...Atlas makes it easier and faster and more affordable to get unlimited organic top-ranking search egnine results - fast...
Take a moment and IMAGINE, if you could simply close your eyes...And slowly, clearly, carefully visualilze everything you want to achieve in your business - Now most importantly...Take a moment and think about WHY you want to achieve those things in your business...AND...

Maybe it's not all about the money...Maybe it's not all about the freedom...Maybe it's about the basic idea that your freedom means that you'll have the time - and most importantly - THE QUALITY of TIME, that you can spend doing the things that you love, with the people you care about and the freedom to
DO THE THINGS that MATTER MOST, to you and those around you...Because...

Let's face it, it's NOT about the business...It's not about the incredible, bank-busting profits that ATLAS can bring to your business on auto-pilot, it's about the FREEDOM that auto-pilot business success brings to your life and gives you the chance, to truly live the life of your dreams...BECAUSE...

You're smart enough to know you need the sophisticated simplicity of products like ATLAS, to make your business goals come true...You're smart enough to know that you've tried maybe everything and it felt like you failed BUT...

You're also smart enough to know, that's it's just not your fault - It's actually just the way it happened, sometimes if you don't have the right stuff to work with, things just don't go the way you expected BUT...

Because you know Mad Lab's doesn't believe in shiny objects...You know and you truly feel that Mad Lab's produces REAL products for REAL people that solve REAL problems and offer REAL solutions and because...

You're smart enough to know that with the right tools and REAL SOLUTIONS, the freedom, the success and automated profits that the best tools deliver, are right here, right NOW, sitting RIGHT in front you...And that solution, right now is...

Mad Lab's ATLAS...


At the end of the day, it's all about the freedom...It's all about doing the things you WANT to do, not doing the things you might think you NEED to do - AND...

That's precisely why we always say, we do all the work, you make all the money - That's our goal and we've done it again with ATLAS...Once you see it in action, once you FEEL just how simple it is and truly get the proof for yourself, you'll know exactly why you chose ATLAS today and it's the most simple step you'll take today to move your business forward, in 2015 - RIGHT NOW - and in the coming years ahead...You already know that, now it's simply about taking action and get ATLAS for yourself BUT...

Maybe it's not for you.

Maybe you don't have the vision to really see how Atlas can change your business...And that's ok...

No software, no solution, no matter how powerful, is one size fits all...So if you pass on Atlas today, it's not the end of the world, we still believe in our customers and we certainly believe in you...BUT...

You do need to know that ATLAS is is a limited time offer at this price - And we will only accept a limited number of people at this price...You already know that it costs 100s of Thousands of Dollars to develop the highest-quality solutions - and all the research and development that goes behind that...And you already know that even though we distribute very limited exclusive licenses to our products, we try to make everything affordable for EVERYBODY but...

We must recoup our R&D costs...We spend more on research and development from sales than almost any other company...And that's just an indisputable FACT...BUT...

The most important part of this equation is YOU and your business and your FREEDOM...And...

That's why we've made it simple to
get INSTANT ACCESS to Atlas today and you'll use it in just minutes from now AND...

You'll feel and SEE the power of Atlas for yourself, on your desktop - The full power of the complete solution working for you TODAY on your business sites in just minutes from now - Guaranteed...

In Greek mythology the Titan Atlas was responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders, a burden given to him as punishment by Zeus.

Father of many stars and the hero in one of Hercules’ famous labours, this muscle-bound giant of a god gave his name to a huge mountain range in northern Africa, the great Atlantic Ocean and any large collection of maps.

In popular perception, Atlas is capable of lifting and holding up the entire globe. Clearly, there's only one way to defeat the search engines and catapult your site to the top of the results, and THE solution is Mad Lab's Atlas...Because...

Atlas is the completely automated search engine submission and ranking software direct from the minds of Mad Lab's Research and it gives you the power to take on the world...
Forget fighting the search engine wars (Whatever that is!) - but screw worrying about Google, (They lie), don't sweat about Yahoo (Their alogrithm is ridiculously easy to defeat) and just stop fretting about Bing (Face it, it's Microsoft, have you seen Windows 8? Remember Millenium?) - We've taken everything we've learned in the past 20 years about insinuating our insidious and wonderfully elgegant code deep inside the search engine spiders - And when you have the power of Mad Lab's ATLAS in your hands, you're pumping enough SEO intelligence into the search engines to choke them and finally...

Take control of the big 3 and beyond...(The big 3 of course is Google, Yahoo and Bing)...AND...

When you have Atlas on your desktop, it's like having a push button INSTANT RANKINGS DETANATOR in your hands...

Let's say it again, build a brand new site...HTML, Wordpress, whatever you want...Hand it over to ATLAS and let the software smash it, bash it and force feed it at a Million miles an hour straight into the search engines and...

Up to the Top Spot of Number One - FAST!

You've heard it, you believe it, you embrace it and you've KNOW it can happen - So make it happen it happen for yourself right now...
If you seriously want to dominate the search engines...Listen, we've invested a fortune in R&D because we believed (after years of spying on Google from the inside...) - Then Atlas represents EVERYTHING we know about how Google works, it represents EVERYTHING we know about the search engines work...AND...

We don't respect the search engines...

Let's face the FACTS, the search engines are just trying to make a buck...They will lie...They will lie and they will cheat and they will rob you blind, because here's something you need to know about Silicon Valley...

The search engine companies are lying, no good, decietful, deceptive and abusive pieces of SHIT...They deserve every ouce of skull-punching we can deliver and that's precisely why we built Atlas (From The Ground Up), precisely the way we did because...

When the income of people just like you are at the mercy of lying sacks of shit, who manipulate the stock market and the the general public - It's all about JUSTICE, it's all about MAKE THE SCORE - EVEN...AND...

It doesn't matter if it's a Molotov Cocktail, the search engines deserve every abuse, use every domination lesson we can deliver because
YOU WORK HARD - YES! YOU!....You the people DESERVE the opportunity to build your business and be EVERYTHING you can be...And...No search engine...No BS company should ever stand in the way, we're here to help you be everything you can be...

YES! Get The Power Of Mad Lab's ATLAS For Yourself RIGHT NOW Because...During This EXCLUSIVE VIP ONLY Limited Time Offer, The Full Power Of The Entire Atlas Package Is Yours For Just $197 - Complete. You Won't Pay The REGULAR RETAIL PRICE OF $497 - You're Getting EVERYTHING 100% Guaranteed For One Single Payment Of Just $197...
YES! You'll see the discounted, limited time VIP ONLY Special Offer below...And when you do, we urge  you to take advantage of this
very special discount direct to you, because we'll only offer ATLAS at this reduced price during this introductory offer. We've POWER-PACKED ATLAS with the most up-to-date and most incredibly powerful automated submission and optimization technology available. Remember too, we stand by what we sell and you're 100% Guaranteed, no matter what -
Just Check OUT What You're Getting Right Now:
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. All instant access orders are fulfilled at conclusion of checkout. We VALUE and PROTECT your privacy. We do not share your details with ANY Third-Parties. Customer service and support is provided absolutely free for the life of the product and at no time will you be asked or forced to purchase any upgrades or updates for this product. Customer support and upgrades are free for life for all Mad Labs Products. You will be invited to join certain social media groups and private Mad Labs Events for the purposes of providing ongoing service and support. You are not required to participate but it is highly advised you do so to get the most from your purchase today.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. All instant access orders are fulfilled at conclusion of checkout. We VALUE and PROTECT your privacy. We do not share your details with ANY Third-Parties. Customer service and support is provided absolutely free for the life of the product and at no time will you be asked or forced to purchase any upgrades or updates for this product. Customer support and upgrades are free for life for all Mad Labs Products. You will be invited to join certain social media groups and private Mad Labs Events for the purposes of providing ongoing service and support. You are not required to participate but it is highly advised you do so to get the most from your purchase today. All Content Copyright 2015 Mad Labs Research, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.