That would be LIKE MAGIC because....Yes, it's frustrating and hard work to get your sales site in front of customers. There are so many different factors to take into consideration. Of course, it's a terrifying and terrible tightrope walk to TRY and have a sales site that SELLS but...
You need to worry about search engine optimization too...And you need to make sure THIS technically works and THAT other thing you always forget about and before you know it...It's 3 AM and another day's lost because...
Nice. What IF you could just make all that irritating PAINFUL work disappear and just wake up in the morning to discover a winning web site magically already built for you.....?
Let's face it...These days you spend more time ripping your hair out and worried and thinking and wondering about your online ventures than you spend time with the people you care about....OR...Do the things you actually ENJOY!

We're all guilty of it. We're all victims of it and...

you know that there's nothing more powerful (or profitable) than search engine traffic...And you're smart enough to know that in the long run, organic, natural traffic is the best and most cost-effective type of targeted traffic you can get but...

It's just too damned hard and frustrating and SICKENING to do ALL that work yourself because...
You're about to learn about a software innovation that's so powerful and so remarkable we're reluctant to release it to the general public...You'll learn WHY and HOW in just a moment because...
He had quite an incredible SECRET to share with us...Mad Labs CODENAME: Aurora (In fact, it even ended up on the front cover of Wired, CNNMoney, CNET, Forbes and the Washington Post...)
To make a long story short...Not only did Mad Labs get access to some of the most bombastic code and secrets that ripped ALL of the major search engines wide open but...This stuff was SO POWERFUL, we couldn't possibly figure out a way to develop a software product that we could allow the general public to own...
Because in the next few weeks...We began developing a site building engine built precisely on the specifications we had in our possession...

The end result, 2 years later was SO INCREDIBLE that if we did not closely control the distribution, the internet would be flooded and HAMMERED with
Thousands and Thousands of TOP-SCORING pages from 'out of the blue'...

And you're smart enough to know what would happen...
You'll learn what this TOP SECRET PROJECT "AURORA" does...In just a few moments but first...

You should know
that we originally hoped to include many of the advanced algorithms we discovered into another Mad Labs product called "VEGAS"...In fact, we took this development so seriously that the Mad Labs Team flew out to Las Vegas to shoot the promotional video for the product but...
When we saw the CASE STUDY results possible with the VEGAS Site Builder...We had to make a very difficult decision...

"IF Vegas (Incorporating The Aurora Solution) was to be a full retail product available to the general public, a few bad apples could quickly
ruin it for everyone by FLOODING the internet with HIGH-RANKING pages..."

And good people like yourself, could quickly have the entire game ruined for them...BUT...
It was obvious to us that AURORA is so incredible that we truly wanted to share it with you, but we simply did not want to risk the chance that OVER-SATURATION or worse, CARELESS USAGE could destroy the 'market' for everybody...

So with that in mind,
the release of VEGAS got back on track and we were determined to find a way to
make AURORA available to a LIMITED NUMBER of participants on a "PER SPIN" basis...
Now this isn't some ORDINARY Site Builder. (Would you expect ANYTHING LESS?)...In fact, we'll give you the full details of EVERYTHING that Aurora does and most importantly, how much it costs PER SPIN - But...

Instead of $200 a site, we're doing something very special for you...(Even at $200 a site, when you see what
AURORA does, it's still an incredible deal but...) - This system, this solution and the fact that you'll have Mad Labs experienced Aurora expert site specialists running it for you IS EXPENSIVE...

In fact, it could even cost you up to $1000 per site...BUT...
INTEGRATED STATE OF THE ART FEATURES: AUTOMATED Intelligent Content Generation Even THOUSANDS Of Pages, Multithreading Technology Builds & Deploys Sites SUPER FAST, Markov Chain Text Generation, Turbo-Charged PSEUDO Markov Chain READABLE Text Generation, Full Synonymization For ANY Language in almost ANY Country, Nested Spintax Engine, Randomized Interlinking With ZERO Footprint (In The Right Hands), UNLIMITED Keyword Permutation, Smart Backlinks Distribution, Unlimited Themes & Styles Available, Dynamic Content System, RSS Feeds, Excalibur SiteMap Technology Built In, Robots TXT Automation, Full 'Under The Radar' Google-Proof Content Scraper With XPATH And Full REGEX Integration, Advanced Content Spinning API, Article Scraper Engine, YouTube Content Scraper Engine, Google Scraper, Automate "Human Touch" CSS and MUCH MORE...
Yes, you tell us what you want to rank for. We'll research THOUSANDS of additional long-tail keyword terms and phrases FOR YOU...(You can also provide us with LOTS of keywords too, but you don't have to...) - You also need to provide us with your offer page or sales page or whatever content you want to drive traffic to...(Don't worry, we make this VERY PAINLESS and SUPER-SIMPLE!)...

You also need to provide us with a domain (This needs to be a new or aged EMPTY domain) and you must provide CPANEL for our technicians...

Simply submit your details into the system and within 72 HOURS....
Rolling out your OWN Aurora site, with potential rankings of 1000s of pages in the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo and more...) couldn't be easier! - In Fact, the Entire Process Takes You LESS THAN 5 Minutes MAX!

, Aurora sites work in almost
EVERY country in the world, in ALMOST ANY LANGUAGE!

Does it work with Mad Labs Spartacus & Barracuda ? ABSOLUTELY YES!

See The Proof For Yourself RISK-FREE For A Full 90 Days
If You're Not Absolutely Blown Away...We'll Buy It Back From You No Questions Asked.
IF we ever decide to sell retail copies of AURORA, it will be Mad Labs most expensive 'consumer' product...The complete training and software package will NOT be priced less than $4000 per license...

But at this time, and for the foreseeable future,
we will NOT offer Aurora as a standalone software product....
YES...You've already learned that Aurora is our MOST VALUABLE and MOST EXPENSIVE solution we've ever developed...

In fact, the complete system and solution is
SO ELITE, we're not even offering it for sale to the general public -at ANY PRICE...Because...

You understand that releasing a complete package this powerful, is just TOO RISKY...BUT...

We also want to share AURORA...

With a LIMITED NUMBER of users, in a CONTROLLED environment...

We've Made It Super-Simple To Get Started Right Now With Aurora
And You Won't Pay ANYWHERE Near The Full Retail Price...
I'm Getting A FULL Aurora Technology Website FOR Unlimited Keywords Built For Me By The Expert Site Builders At Mad Labs Research...I understand that my site build will start within 72 hours of submitting my site details.
I understand that I'm getting Mad Labs most advanced site building technology EVER - Custom built just for me by Mad Labs. I realize that AURORA has an estimated retail value of at least $4000 but...

Because I'm ordering right now, during this
Limited Release and because I PROMISE to not disclose ANY Aurora details to ANY Third-Party and I will not knowingly conduct myself in ANY way that could endanger or interfere with ANY other licensed Aurora user or their websites...

Mad Labs Research Will Give Me A Full License For 3 Completed & Delivered Websites Built For My Keywords, Featuring My Offer...We call this the 3 Of A Kind Pack...
We Reserve The Right To Close This Offer At ANY Time. Only A Limited Number Of Users Will Be Accepted.
A Full License For 8 Completed & Delivered Websites Built For My Keywords. Full House Pack.
A Full License For 16 Completed & Delivered Websites Built For My Keywords. Flush Pack.
A Full License For 52 Completed & Delivered Websites Built For My Keywords. You can resell these sites for profit. Royal Flush Pack.
Your Credits Can Be Used At ANY Time. You are not obliged to build any or all sites during any given time period.
Royal Flush Pack users could for example elect to have one site built each week over the course of a year.

ROYAL FLUSH PACK NOTE : You may resell the service provided YOU are the individual requesting the site build. You cannot send a client to us, but we will happily build sites upon YOUR instructions  that you may resell (sell) or charge to your client once we have completed the build or before the build too. Just understand that YOU must be the individual requesting the site build. We cannot work directly with YOUR clients or customers. RESELLERS, consider this point...If you sold sites for just $100, your $997 investment would return $5200 in revenue. Fact is, you should be selling these sites (especially if they are ranking well) for at least $1000 per site, that's what WE would charge at the very least. We don't need to tell you that if you could sell ALL 52 sites in the Royal Flush Pack, your $997 purchase today would generate $52,000 in revenue. All that said, we can't predict or say how much money you'll make, you may not make any money at all but you're smart enough to know your own business skills and what the possible potential is here with the right circumstances.
Yes! 100% FREE with your purchase of ANY AURORA PACK TODAY...

You'll get the incredible Mad Labs FANTASMA...The short-circuit software system designed from the ground up to split Google wide open with a digital axe and send their spiders straight back to the depths of Hell where they belong...

Well...That's metaphorically what you can expect from Fantasma anyway...In practical application, Fantasma puts your Mad Labs Aurora sites into "STEALTH MODE"...Google sees and ranks keyword-rich content with no discernable footprint while your visitors are sent directly to your sales message or offer instead...No ugly "SEO Style" BS for your visitors, they get the EXACT sales message you want them to see, while Google can choke to death and eat your SEO poison you've carefully laid out for it with your Aurora sites...

Activating FANTASMA on your Aurora sites is completely optional. You may choose to use it or not but we're giving you a completely FREE licensed version integrated into your Aurora Builder Panel, Absolutely 100% FREE as our way of thanking you for choosing Mad Labs Research.

Fantasma sells separately for $497 but we thought you should get a FREE copy today...Just because you're smart enough to take advantage of this amazing Limited Time Offer for AURORA, direct from Mad Labs Research.