The single most important part of your online marketing efforts is TRAFFIC...There simply isn't ANYTHING that is more important than that...

Products, offers, ways to make money and monetize that traffic is really very simple but to get seen, get noticed, get TRAFFIC and SALES...Is...

TRAFFIC IS The number one problem that EVERYBODY has online...

And traffic is related to RANKINGS...It doesn't matter if it's paid advertising or the TOP POSITION in the search engines naturally...
My name is Peter Wray, I'm the President of Mad Labs Research but that simply isn't important…Because...
Let me tell you something that IS SUPER-IMPORTANT...
It's easy to tweak and adjust your offer. It's easy to BOOST the conversion of your sales site and it's really quite easy to come up with products, ideas and solutions but...

Without targeted traffic, you don't have a business.

Yes, that's right...If you're not FIRST in the eye and mind of your potential customer, you'll never get the chance to get that customer...

In fact, traffic is SO super-important that even AMAZON, EBAY and GOOGLE ADVERTISE to get more traffic...You would think everybody would already know about Amazon...You would think everybody could just TYPE IN 'AMAZON DOT COM' but...

Traffic is the essential LIFEBLOOD of any online business...And...
There are basically TWO KINDS of traffic on the internet...

There is what I'll call BAITED TRAFFIC....This is traffic like advertising, viral stories and other means where YOU FIND the customer and you try to convince them to VISIT you...

And then there is SALES TRAFFIC...Let me tell you about that one because it's the best kind of traffic there is...Sales Traffic is the kind of traffic that goes looking for an answer and they FIND YOU!
Nothing is more tightly targeted and nothing converts better than when a customer finds you. This is what I call "your sale to lose..." - Meaning: This customer is so eager to give you money they went looking for you and if can't sell somebody something that did that then...

You're throwing away time, effort, money and your customers...Because SALES TRAFFIC has already sold themselves, you just need to close the sale and collect the money...

So remember, BAITED TRAFFIC comes from ads, videos, viral items and gimmicks BUT...

SALES TRAFFIC comes from the organic search results AFTER a customer has taken the first step to FIND YOU...And...

The easier and faster they can find you, the more sales you get. It's just that simple.
When I say "everybody", I mean the search engines, SEO companies, advertising companies and self-proclaimed 'experts' who repeat nonsense they've heard from the first 3 sources...

The lie goes something like this : "93% of all search traffic comes from the FIRST listing..."

In other words, if you don't have the absolute FIRST listing in the search results on Google, you'll be splitting about 7% of the remaining traffic with everybody else...BUT...

Let me introduce some common sense into this den of crackpot brain damaged thinking...And...
Permit me to simply re-frame the same statement about that 93% statistic...

Did you know that 93% of all people who go down a flight of stairs start at the first step?

Did you know that 93% of all people who read books start at the front page?

Did you know that 93% of all people who enjoy a good movie, tend to begin watching it from the beginning?

Do you get my point?
In Google specifically, almost ALL first page listings are useless to most people unless they're trying to win an argument with somebody...

Fact is, if you want to purchase something some pointless article from Wikipedia isn't much use to you...And neither are countless "scholarly" articles that Google tends to think are important either...BUT...

That doesn't mean your site should not rank as high as possible...The reason you want to rank as high as possible is to increase the amount of traffic your is exposed to BEFORE your customer finds something else...

Think about that point for a moment...
That entire process can happen on page 1, page 2 or even page 5, as long as all the listings Google shows before your listing doesn't have something that competes with what you're offering...

Either way, you DO want to rank as high in the search engines as possible but let's get this clear right now, it's very rare to get into the TOP 3 results on Google, so your focus should be on getting your BEST SALES SITE as high in the search results as reasonably possible...

When you accomplish that, you're set. Customers are searching and finding YOU and that's precisely why I say, those rankings turn into "your sale to lose"...Because you can only WIN unless you have a completely lousy offer...
In the past 6 months, Mad Labs Research focused on 3 different methodologies of search engine optimization....

Those 3 methodologies evolved into 3 solutions...We called these solutions Barracuda, Spartacus and Aurora...(Each one had a different algorithm and logic set behind it)...And...

We found that 70% of the time, these 3 solutions could ALWAYS move sites ahead in the search results, almost no matter what but...
We also discovered that many websites and or keyword combinations could never have a shot...Mainly because they were so badly built or were simply duplicated affiliate pages or were some other low quality site that simply could never rank well for a variety of factors...BUT...

There was one other ongoing search engine optimization method that sat on the lab table...AND...

We never really put too much development into it after we realized how much work was involved to bring it to the retail market...Because...
This particular SECRET METHOD was very controversial and had a LOT of moving parts on our side, with server tasks and a multitude of little AI Demons (Artificial Intelligence driven automated bot technology), we just couldn't see how it could be a practical fit for our customers...BUT...

Then we tried some tests...And we tweaked the code...And we optimized some of the routines in the system so they could 'get smarter'...AND...

We suddenly realized that 90% of the time, this new system was getting results, no matter what...BUT...

There was one drawback, when it failed...It really failed...but we were still incredibly excited about the fact that when all the conditions were 'just right', this new solution got AMAZING RESULTS, SUPER FAST and averaged a 90% success rate - no matter what we threw at it and...

That's when we coined the phrase "BAM FACTOR", because we literally had a software solution that could take a site from nowhere, even if it was brand new and suddenly BAM it was on the radar of all the major search engines.

We discovered that REAL TRAFFIC JUMPS were dramatic too...Targeted POWER TRAFFIC literally leapt from the stats trackers and we saw that even the most mediocre sites were responding the "BAM FACTOR"
BAM! is probably our most expensive solution on the server and mechanics side, we've ever created. The interface is simple, it's as easy as Spartacus or Barracuda but...

What happens behind the scenes is significantly more complicated.

In fact, it's so sophisticated that it replicates the EXACT strategies that one of the better $2000 a month SEO company could offer...And...

It's a fact that it implements a 'secret gateway' method for ranking sites that's so incredibly powerful and super-controversial that only 3 developers inside Mad Labs actually know precisely how it works...But don't worry there's absolutely nothing inside BAM! that could ever harm your site or get it penalized in any way....
The day we saw the results of 128 blind tests we did with a multitude of sites on all the major search engines with this surprising solution was the the day that Mad Labs BAM! was born...And...

It's probably the most complex search engine optimization solutions we've ever developed which was one of the reasons why we were so reluctant to bring it to the retail market...BUT...

With a 90% success rate on just about any site, we simply thought it was ridiculous to not figure out some way to get it to you...
When you get Mad Labs BAM! you'll get a very simple software interface that allows you to submit ONE domain or URL into the system...You will also provide most wanted keywords for that site.

You'll make sure that you know exactly WHERE your site stands in the search results for those keywords and you'll make sure you know  your EXACT stats and status at the moment you submit the site...

Now submit your site into BAM! and don't do another thing...Don't mess with the site. Don't sign up for some any dumb software or service or get somebody to do some out-sourced voodoo on it...
Don't do ANYTHING...(I'd also suggest you don't keep looking in the search engines to see what's going on...Just walk away!)
At about the 21-28th day mark you'll receive an email from the BAM! system AND OR a BAM! human manager assigned to oversee your account...That email will instruct you to check your stats and may also tell you what keywords your site is now ranked for...If your BAM! session was successful (and we're quite certain it will be)...Then it will be suggested that this site is put into a monthly maintenance and ongoing monthly BAM! Booster cycle but...

Of course, whether you choose to continue with the BAM! Booster is completely up to you, but the Booster cycle WILL continue to improve your site rankings and continue to drive your site up higher in the search results...BUT...

In the even that BAM! did not succeed or BAM! and your site was incompatible for whatever reason, we'll let you know why and then you will have the option to submit a different url or site into the BAM! system...Or make the corrections we advise you of and re-submit.
Yes, there can be a multitude of reasons why search engine ranking and SEO can fail and much of it may not even be your fault...

It's quite possible that the niche or market your site shares with your competitors simply has too many 'issues' in the search engines to move forward...BUT...

No matter what, you CAN and you WILL get ranked with BAM! It's entirely possible that it may take 2 or 3 passes but BAM! works and it's deadly effective - and you'll see the proof for yourself when this awesome ranking power kicks in...
YES! We've made it SUPER-SIMPLE to BAM! your sites to the top!
Mad Labs BAM! is just $147 to get started...
Your purchase today gives you a Mad Labs BAM account and 30 days of rock-solid, hardcore SEO for one site. We call each 30 day period a "spin"...AND...

If your site doesn't advance in the rankings, then your next spin is FREE or you can replace the site and spin again, FREE.

Additional BAM! spins are just $47 per site.

Each spin gives you 30 days of human supervised and automated SEO service for one site. This high level SEO would cost as much as $2000 a month if you hired an SEO service...
Your Information Is 100% Secure, Private and is NEVER SHARED With ANY Third-Parties.
We Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction With This Complete Package.
Please Try It And See The PROOF For Yourself. It's Just That Simple.