A MUST READ Internal Memo From The Depths Of Mad Labs Research:
We've NEVER Opened This Up POWERFUL WEAPON To The General Public UNTIL NOW...

I'll do my best to keep this quick but it all started when a body showed up in my neighbor's driveway. That was the late summer of 1998 and that month I actually wrote sales copy for a product that began with that exact line because...

First of all it was unfortunately true and secondly because I had just completed a simple book offered directly to my clients called:

"The Web Is About To Die & It's All Google's Fault"

A "new type of search engine" had appeared on the horizon and it was called Google.

I recognized that as average people started using this geek created fantasy, we would likely see established players in the search business collapse and based upon the 'academic authority' or heritage of this very simple PHP script (Yes, that's all Google is), we would likely see Google rise as the de-facto destination for all search on the internet.

I of course really lamented this vision I had because I knew it was pretty much the end of 'freedom' on the internet. I envisioned that choice and options would disappear for both users and marketers alike because the arch-enemy of free enterprise is monopoly and I really saw that as a strong possibility as more ill-informed consumers and worse, ill-informed business moved to the web.

Unfortunately, it's precisely what happened and I see way too many individuals whose business truly does seem to live or die on the whims of this simple PHP script (Google) that's got completely out of control...

That's WHY I immediately put a plan into action in the Fall of 1998...Because I knew our future  as a company absolutely depended on the way to dominate Google...And I've continued that aggressive strategy to this day...
As a Director of American Entertainment Group, I helped orchestrate strategic alliances between Bell Atlantic and Turner Broadcasting (CNN etc., later acquired by Time-Warner)…I’d developed and been integral in the patents and eventual deployment of editable MPEG technology for broadcast video and motion pictures (Later acquired by Hewlett-Packard) - And was in at the ground floor in the development as the VP of Development of an online book vendor which later evolved into a key component of something called Amazon.com…
But not everyone is as fortunate as I was and it wasn’t because I was smarter, it was really just because of my background in marketing, corporate business and software development that I had an edge over everybody else to begin with…
So when I saw the writing on the wall, my background had just provided me with the right assets to take control and I’ve never stopped because…

While the rest of the world sat around fretting and adjusting their ‘strategy’ to all the BS that Google and questionable SEO companies were constantly spreading around the internet, myself and my company were quietly making money and doing what we do best – Building the tools we needed to succeed online and ignoring the ‘press releases’ and ‘insider tips’ (bald faced lies) that I knew were designed for one sole purpose: To keep you down.

But let me tell you this, I get your frustration and you have my absolute assurance, if you struggle to find a way to rank your pages and your sites on the search engines, it’s simply not your fault.

Let me tell you again, if you’ve been lied to and conned, there is NO WAY it’s your fault that you’ve been banging your head against the wall – It’s simply not your fault if you’re feeling frustrated and wondering how the Hell everybody else is doing so well when it feels like you’re just failing…THAT is NOT your fault…Ever…

It really doesn’t get more obvious than that but even if you have the exact details about how Google really works and want to KNOW what Google really ‘falls for’ when you want to rank your site at the top, it helps if you have one other thing because…

The real way to truly score online is with volume. Make the most noise in an ocean of competition and you’ll rise to the top, it’s all about flooding the lake with enough lures to make it absolutely impossible to not succeed and pull in more fish than everybody else but…

Because your time is the most important commodity and asset in your life, you simply can’t afford to waste your valuable time with the drudgery and simple “mechanical man hours” of constructing page after endless page of meticulously optimized content…

So the next factor that comes into play is automation and automation online is all about software. Now before we talk about a rogue product that we developed with the codename, Medusa, let’s talk about "THE TECHNOLOGY" that you may already be familiar with…

I won't bore you with the details but we're the ONLY company that ever developed this unique, offsite site-mapping technology and ONLY TWO other products exist on the market that use it...AND...

When we released those products, they took the web by STORM....Because...

PROVEN Technology Succeeds While Other "SEO Solutions" Fall Flat & Fails...

Our CORE ENGINE was developed to boost our sites without getting any other links or following the traditional “Google BS” of ranking a website. If you create content specifically with the goal of using our CORE Engine and you haven’t already tainted your pages with other dubious SEO efforts, then generally, Our CORE ENGINE successfully boosts sites significantly more than 87% of the time. The more you use the system, generally the more effective it is - Especially if you stay off the “needle” and don’t resort to more desperate or questionable methods you may have seen in forums or fallen victim to the latest Google propaganda…BUT…

If you created your content in an environment that Google wasn’t receptive to OR if you had done other things with your site or content that was contrary to the kinds of things Google is receptive to, then SEO Optimatic can only do so much. When all the elements are right and your site hasn’t been the victim of some so called “penalty” for other Google’isms then we know SEO Optimatic boosts rankings significantly more than 87% of the time BUT…

The problem is, you may have web entities or content that fell victim to problems or was simply built wrong before you even started SEO Optimatic, which can drop your chances of success significantly. Its’ what we’ve traditionally called in the data business, “Garbage In, Garbage Out” – Even the best tools can only do so much…That’s just a factBUT…

The most amazing thing about OUR CORE TECHNOLOGY is that even when faced with content or sites that no other method or tool could ever hope to help, in due time, most SEO Optimatic sites eventually almost always rise in the rankings with no other optimization efforts required at all…But the Garbage In, Garbage Out scenario still always applies and for some particular web properties, you’ll just need something more…And sometimes that’s all about a complete re-think from the ground up, I’ll tell you how to best do that in just a moment because...

Now That Brings Us To Our SITE BUILDING TECHNOLOGY - A HARDCORE proven system we’ve used for years (and continue to use), before we released a ‘consumer level version’ in late 2014…that basic technology works very well and almost always scores provided you choose your keywords wisely, don’t do any other tactics that may flag your site and follow the rules exactly BUT…

Our Technology Puts Page Ranking On Automation Overdrive...

Now our old solutions were generally limited to THREE KEYWORDS and is primarily a geo-targeted system, which is great for services and lead generation but something more specifically specialized with  more keyword flexibility was another consideration we had here BUT…

There is a core framework to our site building philosophy, just as there is a core framework to the Automated SEO Ranking System - And site boosting philosophy that doesn’t always offer the most flexibility when it comes to rolling out internet marketing style sites or aggressively “filling the lake with unlimited lures that seek out and catch a broad spectrum of fish…” Because...

Specific Objectives Require Very Specific Solutions...

For each specific objective there are very specific tools, tightly focused to make that objective achievable…And we’ve always believed that the most powerful solutions were systems that were developed to achieve very specific tasks within a very tightly-focused objective or skill set…Because…

That’s why we developed the Medusa system and Medusa is what we’ve used for the past several years when we needed a
“down and dirty” rank as many keywords as possible (focused and long tail) across a broad range of pages that combined targeted keywords while exploiting the weaknesses inherent in Google’s geo-targeting algorithm or rule set to rank highBecause…

Here’s The How, When & Why We Use The Medusa Software System:
Want To Generate Traffic & Money While You Sleep?
Good news...Now you can...Because...

MEDUSA builds ‘virtual vending machines’ based on geo-targeted terms and geo-location. It uses a limited set of keywords to rank your offer pages in cities across the USA and...

Medusa builds keyword-centric pages for an unlimited number of keywords exploiting weaknesses in the Google geo-targeting algorithms but not dependent solely upon them. Medusa is a BRAND NEW site building technology, completely
unique, built from the ground up, specialized search engine optimization and traffic acquisition system originally developed to secure top rankings for direct offer type sales pages like Clickbank offers and information/software product sales.

And built right inside MEDUSA is our offsite site-mapping technology combined with our neural network internal linking technology to make your content and your sites more attractive to the search engines. Our unique “learning system” within MEDUSA pushes content upward in the search engines using our proprietary methods. So you're getting KILLER AUTOMATED SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED SITE BUILDING and...Power-house Automated Off-Site Optimization...
For the ULTIMATE Automated RANKING POWER...And...

every objective requires specific objective oriented tools and solutions. We built Medusa to DOUBLE-UP our already PROVEN search engine ranking technology...

You cannot bring enough artillery to a war and that’s precisely how to understand where and HOW Medusa fits into your arsenal.

Medusa’s page construction methods and custom overlay sales offer technology is completely different from ANYTHING ELSE. You're getting the most unique methods ever developed that combines HARDOCRE coding and deployment to
saturate the search engine rankings with your sales offers.
You already know that every internet marketer has no shortage of people you may have never heard of who are eager to promote, endorse or share a testimonial about how some particular product "changed their lives..."

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that but...

Before we tell you that "Mr. Arthur Smith" in some undisclosed location thinks we're the absolute cat's ass - I thought it might help you to know about just some of the real world business relationships we've had and maintain...
You're getting your own personal copy of Medusa, it runs on Windows desktops and VPS services, no problem - It's point and click simple...This is a software product we ONLY offer to agencies at a service and the base retail price starts at $2200...

Plus...You're getting direct SUPPORT & TRAINING straight from the experienced developers at Mad Labs Research - It's your opportunity to ask ANYTHING and get direct advice, answers and support from an online marketing leader since 1994 - The Value Is PRICELESS - The base price for anything comparable (not that ANYTHING compares) is not less than $4000 - And that's very conservative...

PLUS...You'll build unlimited sites, unlimited keywords and take your sales pages to the top of the search results - The same automated power from ANY SEO company couldn't be yours for less than $5000 and it might even cost you more for that, per month - And that's just for one site...(Shop around, you'll know we're telling you like it is...)

AND you'll automatically be enrolled as a MAD LABS VIP giving you unlimited access to our exclusive web events, training sessions, a front row seat to our weekly Profit Power Hour (You might even end up being a guest on the show, and get the answers to ANYTHING you want...) - You'll receive exclusive insider information, advice, guidance and direct access to the development crew at Mad Labs Research - and everything we develop, ONLY for our VIPs - You'll know the priceless value of that the moment you get started...

So if we just took all these things and combined them together, it would be a combined retail
value of at least $12,000 OR MORE...And this is NOT an exaggeration, it's a straight on, no BS, breakdown of what it would likely cost you if you weren't on this site right now but...

You need to understand these 2 simple facts, right now...

1. When you get started today, and you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to the complete MEDUSA PACKAGE INCLUDING ALL TRAINING...To make your business goals and IDEAS REAL!

Within minutes from now you'll see that you're getting precisely what you need to succeed. So if you're kicking a tire or just curious or don't have anything better to do with your time, this is NOT for you. We only build success stories, we don't work with people who simply want a hobby.
We're here to help you be EVERYTHING YOU CAN BE...

So that's why you need to start RIGHT NOW...Don't worry, we're on your side but we want to know about your dreams, goals and ambitions in advance so we can help you best - We don't just dump software or a proven system on you and wish you luck, it's just NOT what we do - Therefore, expect to get the training and support you need and deserve, before you start pointing and clicking your way to profit...

2. We're only offering this for a 72 hour period. This isn't marketing, it's about logistics. We can only help so many people and we're eager to roll this program out too, so we're only offering this for a limited time - and once it's gone, it's gone forever. So if you're ready to move forward, don't take this lightly...
This offer will disappear forever within 72 hours...
Yes, We Will Continue To Offer Licenses To Medusa Throughout The Year But We Cannot Guarantee This Low Price.
In Fact, The Price Has Already Doubled Since Our Pre-Launch In March 2015 - So Please Get In NOW!
Yes, We Will Continue To Offer Licenses To Medusa Throughout The Year But NEVER AGAIN At This Low Price.
At Nearly Half-Price This Won't Last Long - So Please Get In NOW!
You already know that if you do nothing, nothing happens BUT...

You may already feel like you're doing everything you can and yes, you may feel like you're banging your head against the wall...but that's precisely why we're reaching out to you right now, it doesn't have to be that way...

You don't have to do it alone and you certainly don't have to struggle - The surest way to success is to always take the path of least resistance, the more you struggle on your own, the greater the risk of failure - not because you're not working hard, not because you're not intelligent or don't have the confidence - It's simply because we happen to know the easiest way to achieve certain things online and it's not because we're smarter - It's just one simple word : Experience.

Yes, experience. You're getting more than 20 years of trial, error, testing and experience in your corner when you move forward with us today...In other words, you can continue banging your head against the wall or we can just show you how to stop doing that and make money instead...Because...

THAT is the path of least resistance and
in just minutes from now, you'll be on your way to achieving the search rankings you need and make the money you want - starting in just minutes from now...Because...

This really is a limited time offer and we will only accept a limited number of applicants, so take advantage of this opportunity today and put your best foot forward right now...It's just that simple...

About Mad Labs

Mad Labs Research is headquartered in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida. It's the evolution of more than 20 years of online marketing and development success that started with the creation of the world's first Windows electronic book (ebook) in early 1994.

In the year 2002, our parent corporation was recognized by a national publication as dominating over 6% of the entire world wide web. To understand that fully, if you were surfing the web in the early part of the 21st. Century, you visited one of our websites almost every week, whether you knew it or not.

Peter A. Wray
CEO Vortex Media, LLC - Innovanetics Incorporated & Mad Labs Research
Just one of our simple but unique "instant access" * products exceeded annual profits of over One Million Dollars for nearly 2 decades and our innovations have been featured on national and international television. We were behind major news stories on American television networks and played a vital role in the development of established online marketing strategies. In fact, our inventive marketing and development methods and techniques have been copied, duplicated and followed for so many years that many of our innovations have become the de-facto "rule set" for how to make money online - And are an accepted practice for many present day marketers who aren't even aware where these methods first came from.

Throughout the years, we've never lost the excitement of "making it happen" and our steadfast dedication to the people who dare to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities that online marketing offers everyone who takes the first step forward in achieving their financial independence.

We sincerely thank you for the chance to share our vision with you and it's a true honor to get to know you, because we're all in this together and that just makes it all more profitable, more successful and most importantly, way more fun. Thanks again and we look forward to working with you.
* Yep, we coined the phrase "Instant Access". "direct download" and created one of the first banner campaigns that said "click here now" - Just sayin'...
YES...Get this completely incredible package today...Use it, Abuse it...Learn From It
and profit from it for a FULL 90 DAYS with NO-RISK AT ALL because...
IF you're still not convinced that you've got everything we promise and MORE...If you're not completely over the moon and totally BEYOND SATISFIED then...

Simply tell us and you'll get 100% of your money back and
keep every single bonus we give you as our way of saying thanks.
We believe this is the BEST package of its kind available anywhere at ANY price and you've got a FULL 90 DAYS to see the proof for yourself but...
We Stand By What We Offer. It's Just That Simple.
Automatic Expert Level Site Buidling For Unlimited Keywords Of Your Choice To
Rank At The Top Of Google, Bing & Yahoo.
Builds Perfectly Optimized Pages For EVERY City In The USA.
Customize Your Offers & Sales Pages Exactly The Way You Want Them!
Full Service & Support PLUS ALL UPGRADES 100% FREE!
100% Guaranteed The Best Solution You've Ever Seen. HANDS DOWN!
Get Started Today. You'll GET INSTANT ACCESS! AND...We will take the time to learn about you and your business ideas. If we don't think the Medusa software and this complete system can help you, we'll refund every cent, no questions asked. Otherwise, brace yourself for success beyond your wildest dreams.