Shocking but moreless true, the 22nd. and 24th., President of the United States of America, Grover Cleveland...28th. Governor Of New York, 34th., Mayor of Buffalo, 17th., Sheriff of Erie County...Weighing in at 250 pounds, "Big Steve" as he was known to his friends...President Grover Cleveland sure liked his beer...AND...

Even though he died in 1908, we still like to think he'd love Sales Builder Studio because Sales Builder Studio is so darn easy...Yes, even Grover could manage to make a decent website while singing 400 bottles of beer on the wall and still have time to do things that dead Presidents like to do...Like populate your bank account for example BECAUSE...

Sales Builder Studio makes it possible ANYBODY to quickly and easily build a professional website WITHOUT the pain, frustration and endless drama associated with that damn screwball thing called WordPress - Guaranteed.
My name is Peter Wray, I'm the CEO of Mad Labs Research, for the past 20 years my companies have dominated a lot of different markets online...That's probably one of the reasons we've become one of the most trusted and reliable names when it comes to mind-blowing innovations...Especially in the realm of 'internet marketers', a circus all too frequently swarming with shiny objects, questionable business tactics and even more questionable 'products and solutions' but...

No matter what, we've always worked hard to deliverTRUE innovations to smart marketers like you -  business people, internet marketing professionals and the SMART MARKET (people like yourself) that truly recognizes what value, professionalism, high-quality solutions and results really means because...

We consistently go the extra mile to exceed market expectations and give you the very best we always can...And that brings to our very latest solution that's a true game-changer if you've been pulling your hair out with WordPress or some other PAIN that simply won't let you build the kind of web pages you want - and deserve...Because...
FRUSTRATION and about 157 other REASONS is precisely why...We created Sales Builder Studio because just like you, we were sick and tired of all the BS we had to constantly FIGHT with all those dumb WordPress sites...

And just in case you don't ALREADY know WHY you should NEVER USE WORDPRESS, here's a few right now...
The number one disadvantage to using WordPress that most WordPress users aren’t aware of is how vulnerable WordPress can be. It's A NIGHTMARE WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!!

Wordpress is open source and relies on a community of developers to come up with the resources you’ll need to customize it; this includes themes and plugins.

Every theme or plugin you use on your WordPress site is written by a different person; since there’s no particular organization/body that monitors WordPress themes or plugins, this mean there could be a bug in the plugin you use on your site.

In case you don’t know this, with WordPress, a single plugin can allow access to your admin dashboard; unless you’re actively taking measures to secure your WordPress blog, then you can’t be totally assured.

And worst of all because WordPress runs on PHP, ALL of your important details are stored in your MYSQL database which leaves a potential for SQL injection attacks. Being vulnerable to brute force attacks is also one major disadvantage of using WordPress, unless you install a plugin to counter this. Hacking and breaking into WordPress sites is the number one source of amusement for beginning and serious hackers alike...
This is the dirty little secret nobody seems to know or want to admit, WordPress can end up costing you a fortune...

Yes, it's true that WordPress is “free”. It’s free to download and install WordPress but having just WordPress is not going to work, unless you don’t want your website to stand out from a large part of the 70+ million websites using WordPress.

You see WordPress everywhere and when you start seeing the same version of a site using WordPress, it becomes less memorable; that’s just one reason why WordPress is expensive.

To ensure your WordPress blog is properly designed and always active, you’ll have to spend several thousands of dollars - And another point to consider, if you want to feel somewhat secure, you'll need some crazy expensive dedicated WordPress host...You know, the kind of host that charges you FIVE TIMES THE PRICE to compensate for the the fact that WordPress has more holes than a screen door when it comes to safety and peace of mind...

Also, with the numerous WordPress updates and changes being rolled out regularly it’s only a matter of time before you start having issues with your “outdated” design and you’ll often have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to ensure your WordPress website is active again.

The only way out of this mess is to be a WordPress designer, developer, programmer, plumber, electrician, chief bozo and EXPERT, yourself. Don't we all have better things to with our lives?
This is designed to be a good thing (If you're some kinda' GEEK!) but when you consider the frequency of WordPress updates and the compatibility issues that come with it (updating plugins etc.) then it’s not necessarily a good thing.

With every update, you risk issues with your website template – which often costs thousands of dollars – and some of your plugins.

Maintenance in WordPress is a whole issue on its own; you can’t use WordPress without constantly updating it and you have to be ready to make changes to your template or plugins when you update.

If you have a big dumb budget, a designer or programmer or the resources to manage these all these constant updates and compatibility issues, WordPress is great. Otherwise, you might want to AVOID WORDPRESS AT ALL COSTS!
For WordPress to be very effective, you’ll often have to install a lot of plugins.

A basic WordPress installation is useless and requires a theme and at least a few plugins to work effectively. On the surface, this isn’t much of a problem but the more WordPress plugins you install the slower your website becomes.

What if you can’t do without these plugins and what if you don’t have the budget or resources for coding these features into your WordPress template? You go for an increasingly slowing website.

In terms of server resources, WordPress also uses a lot more resources than a plain HTML website or a PHP template site so, unless you find a quality WordPress hosting solution, you risk being suspended by your host if you get a lot of visitors and use WordPress on a shared hosting. Result? SLOW WEBSITE, SLOW DEATH!
It’s important to pay special attention to this because there are way too many lies about how WordPress is good for SEO...But the truth is, WordPress has become so popular (and suspicious) it's now on Google's watch list...

Wordpress is purported to be very SEO friendly but the reality is that almost every open source CMS is. WordPress can easily get you into SEO problems if you don’t have SEO knowledge; a major culprit is the tagging and category system used by WordPress.

Unless you decide to make your tags and categories “noindex”, every single tag you create and every single category you add your content to will have a duplicate form of that content. As a result, some people have 10 versions of the same content and wonder why they’re experiencing the same issue.

If you have advanced SEO knowledge or you have nothing else to do with your life or your business then this won’t be an issue but not everybody possesses this kind of knowledge or fascination for super-boring BS. Most of the people reading this article probably didn’t know this until today. WordPress SUCKS for SEO.
We built SBS so you can stop struggling to create high-converting web pages...No matter what. Forget fighting with code or templates that NEVER end up looking what you thought you should get - And because SBS is completely modular, we're building and improving it every day, with more features, more power and way more fun. Remember, no WordPress EVER!
Our live editor gives you the power to drag and drop your way to marketing and sales success. The intuitive interface turns you into a master designer...And no matter what your level of experience, you'll unleash your inner creative imagination fast because there really is no limit to what you can quickly and easily build with SBS. We got rid of the headaches to set you free!
You'll get a MASSIVE ever-growing library of proven  marketing, creative and business layouts that you can immediately customize ANY way you want...Or start with a blank canvas, it's completely up to you...But if you want professional and beautiful websites, built in no time at all, then SBS gives you exactly what you're looking for. Use SBS to build everything from simple landing pages to full ecommerce sites with built in shopping cart, chat, video, popups and much more...

Using Site Builder Studio These Awesome Professional Beautifully Designed
Sales & Marketing Sites Were Created In Minutes...
Build portfolio sites, personal blogs, restaurant pages, dentists, doctors, plumbers, electricians...
Your KILLER Lead Generator Pages, You Name It! - Video sales pages and much more...

All with ZERO Coding, ZERO Design Skills, ZERO Headaches, ZERO WORDPRESS...
Most website builders put a LIMIT on the number of sites you can build and...Worse, they don't give you the FREEDOM to do what you want with your work. Yes, you can SELL your Sales Builder Studio sites and designs! Once you become an SBS user, you're free to do whatever you want with YOUR work, isn't that way it should be?
We've built the fastest backbone of connectivity in the cloud possible...Your sites are hosted and served directly from leased Google servers and backed up by Amazon S3 technology. Combine our robust, super-fast hosting with unbeatable Mad Labs SEO technology and you've got the most powerful, lightning-fast search ranking hosting available anywhere...
Other hosting and page building sites punish you for your success. Canned services like Lead Pages, UnBounce and Click Funnels limit your potential by charging you for traffic. We believe that you should be free to be everything you can be with NO RESTRICTIONS. We won't tell you what you can or can't make and we'll limit your traffic or impose penalties for being successful.
SIMPLE. Creating a website with Sales Builder Studio is easy, fast and intuitive. Anyone can create a website in a matter of minutes.
ALWAYS RESPONSIVE. Any content you'll add is responsive-by-nature and will naturally adjust itself to any device: Laptops, Tablets, Mobile-phones & even google glass and smart-watches.
NO LIMITS. Get unlimited hosting, unlimited bandwidth. We don't think you should be penalized for success. Every site you build with Site Builder Studio gets bullet-speed hosting and unbeatable simplicity.
SEO. In addition to perfectly structured HTML and impeccable site-structure your site loads super fast. Your site is also automatically optimized for the best possible rankings in the search engines.
SUPER SIMPLE. Building a website with Site Builder Studio is just like building stuff with Lego™ Blocks. Each block is gorgeous and works well with other blocks - The process super-fun and knockdown idiot simple.
SCALABLE. You can build a one-pager, or 1000-pager. Our system can support the largest news websites as well as the smallest portfolio. You have no limits on your growth - and of course no extra or hidden charges ever.
VISUALLY IMPRESSIVE. Site Builder Studio templates are designed by experienced, well known designers and built to leave an impression on your users. The animation effects will blow their minds and of course you can add additional killer apps, elements and insert raw HTML if you want to.
EVER GROWING. Site Builder Studio is modular which means it a continuing evolving construction set of features and tools. Of course you don't need to worry about plugins, updates or system crashes, hacks or other annoyances associated with systems like WordPress ever again..
ECOMMERCE. Site Builder Studio gives you the power to build your own store with direct Shop Rocket integration. There are no extra fees and if you choose Shop Rocket checkout, you'll pay just 5% per transaction. But of course you can also add PayPal and any other checkout system - it's completely up to you.
And yes, you can even sell sites you create with Sales Builder Studio And Build Offer Pages For Mad Labs SEO Products...
Ask yourself...How much money have you wasted on WordPress themes, hosting, plug-ins, gimmicks and all those other things that promised you could make awesome websites but left you frustrated and without a website within 72 hours...?

The fact is, by the time you've paid for the SECURE hosting you need, all those stupid plugins, the themes, probably a developer or WordPress expert to get it all itegrated and all that uselesss customization...

Most marketers end up spending $1000 PER WORDPRESS SITE!
So much for FREE!

And you're still not empowered yourself...You simply couldn't sit down and create ANYTHING you could imagine...

Until now...Thanks to Sales Builder Studio, you can finally TRULY kiss WordPress goodbye because...
Build Mobile Responsive Landing Pages & FULL WEBSITES Quickly & Easily

Our powerful 'click-simple' Sales Builder Studio
lets you create responsive pages (full desktop, tablet and mobile ready - automatically)  without any help from a technical team. Our “code-free zone” means you can easily build high-converting sales pages and BEAUTIFUL PROFESSIONAL WEBSITES... And publish instantly the web in a single click – all without any knowledge of HTML..Unlimited hosting, unlimited websites, unlimited traffic...Unlimited ideas and profit potential with just ONE CLICK...
Your Information Is 100% Secure, Private and is NEVER SHARED With ANY Third-Parties.
We Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction With This Complete Package.
Please Try It And See The PROOF For Yourself. It's Just That Simple.
Limited Spots Available For Our Exclusive Integrated "Top Gun" SEO Package.

you know the value of unlimited hosting, unlimited site building, designs, resale rights of your completed sites and unlimited traffic...And because you're a SMART MARKETER who knows how much services like UNBOUNCE and others charge for LESS - And you cannot build FULL WEBSITES with their packages, just landing pages...AND...

When you consider the REAL COST and REAL FRUSTRATION of all those useless WordPress themes, plugins and other '2 week novelties...'...
You KNOW how much of a deal this really is but it won't last long...

You can spend another $600 next week on the latest WordPress Gimmick or you can finally take FULL control of all your site-building needs in one spot...And never pay a dime for hosting, traffic or ANY design fees....

It's a No Brainer For Anybody With A Brain - Get Started Right Now While Spots Are Still Available...

We're 100% certain you'll look back at today as one of the smartest moves you've made for your business this year...
Your Information Is 100% Secure, Private and is NEVER SHARED With ANY Third-Parties.
We Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction With This Complete Package.
Please Try It And See The PROOF For Yourself. It's Just That Simple.
We'll be adding over $8000 worth of the most powerful sales and marketing material, tools and other sales and marketing apps, that you can include in your sites...

Everything from licensed stock photography, audio, video, software enhancements and much more...BUT...

You'll only get this exclusive FREE ADD-ON BONUS, during this limited availability offer...
Your Information Is 100% Secure, Private and is NEVER SHARED With ANY Third-Parties.
We Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction With This Complete Package.
Please Try It And See The PROOF For Yourself. It's Just That Simple.
Click Here To Get Sales Builder Studio Right Now!