How would you like to Double, Triple or even Quadruple your existing traffic and
SALES, right now...And...
Dominate ALL the search engines with Top Rankings and make Google your bitch...Forever...
I'll add a few more things to that list because you can also eventually forget about endlessly banging your head against the wall worried about what that suck-ass Google is doing to your rankings because...

I'm gonna' tell you just enough about me
so you know that I'm not full of it...
Maybe just like you I used to rip my hair out every day because I simply couldn't get the targeted traffic I needed for my offers...
I was goin' broke fast but I'd had just enough success that I was totally hooked on online marketing and I simply was not gonna' let
Google ruin my life because...
They steal enough money every day with their advertising...AND...
They manipulate the search results to maximize their advertising income...The idea that there is any sort of algorithm at work to rank sites for quality, is the biggest, most fraudulent line of bullshit any company ever perpetrated on the marketplace...
You want proof that I'm telling the truth?
Check out the average Top 10 search for any given generic search and did you ever notice the number one results are sites like Wikipedia, Mayo Clinic and education websites...
Wanna' know why?
Because there isn't a hope in Hell that any of those sites will EVER advertise on Google...BUT...
If there is any chance that Google might be able to EXTORT money out of you for advertising then...We'll find your site on page 5 or worse...
Now do you understand what I'm saying?

I won't bore you with the details of...
What was wrong with my life that I had nothing better to do that crack Google on New Year's Eve BUT...
Just like you, my life depends on high rankings in the search engines...
Oh ya...I make some money off modeling but I'm also a kickass programmer...And ya, I make 90% of my living from developing software AND...
Building web solutions that ROCK...
In fact, for the past 6 years, I've been lucky enough to build an amazing life because of my internet business AND...
There is no damn way that'll let a shitty company like Google screw me over...AND...
All that frustration, all that anger and quite honestly, FEAR, drove me to solve how to get ANY site to rank as high in Google as possible, as quickly as possible...
Can you relate? I hope you can...Because...
I wanna' let you know you're not alone...

Anyway, key flaw in Google...
I found it...And it was like the sky just opened up for me...
And I started building this automated site ranker...
Originally I called it Eliza-5 but that was just way too geeky..,
And I also figured I should call it something OBVIOUS...
Of course I had no intention of ever selling it...Because...
I built List Me Now as a search engine optimization and ranking software that I could use for my own business...
Then a a friend said to me..."Marco, can I get a copy...?"
And because I'd shown my friend just how well List Me Now ranked
my sites in Google automatically......And of course I said YES to him ...Because...
That's How I Roll...

But the more I thought about it...
I realized that I'd built List Me Now...Because...
I was sick and tired of my frustration with Google...
In fact, I totally hate Google...And...
I know I'm not alone in how much I despise that company and...
The way they treat hard working people like you and I...
So I took List Me Now and I re-coded it so that it could work as an online app...
And I told my friend that there is no way I will charge people $5000 for it, even if it is worth it...Because...
I think everybody deserves a chance to make a living and be the best they can be...
So with my rebuilt version of List My Now, which takes URLs and forces Google to index them and drive them to the top...
I decided to make it possible so that ANY serious internet marketer could easily affored it...

So I told you a bit of the history...And a bit about me...
I told you how you'll use it...
And I also told you what my crazy friend thought I should charge for it...
I want to make this super-easy for you...
I know what it's like to feel frustrated and I know what it's like to feel powerless...
I also know how you feel like you're being held hostage or held back by the search engines...I know you've probably got a lot of great ideas that you'd like to try but Google keeps getting in the way...
Imagine how great it would be to just focus on what you do best, marketing, coming up with great ideas, building your business and leave all the heavy-lifting and the bullshit to something like List Me Now...
So that's why for a Limited Time, I'll give you a Full Year Unlimited Access to List Me Now for just $47 - complete.
I know you might think I'm nuts but that's not the first time I've heard that and the fact of the matter is, I want you to be successful online...
And I'll give you instant access to the complete package in just minutes from now...Sound Fair?

Your purchase today is 100% secure, private and confidential. It's also backed by our complete 100% Satisfaction Gurantee. You have a full 30 days to decide if this purchase is right for you or not.
You'll get everything in just minutes from now, including all bonus packages
and everything else for just one single payment today. You're 100% covered by our
Full Satisfaction Guarantee and you'll have 30 days to use and enjoy everything while
all the risk is on us. We know you'll be completely pleased with your 100% secure, private and confidential purchase today and we look forward to welcoming you...
Simply click the button below to get started right now...
Includes 1 Full Year Of Free Updates, Upgrades, Customer Service & Support.
List Me Now, automatically handles all offsite search engine optimization for you...
And drives your sites to the top of the search engine results, for the keywords you want...
You get a full year's of unlimited access to this MIND-BLOWING package and then only thing I ask is that you don't use it for any commerical purposes, other than websites you own. If you agree to that simple request, I think you'll agree that $47 for unlimited, automated search engine optimization is a damn good deal...
I'm looking forward to hearing your success stories - Thanks for allowing me to share my story with you - And I wish you the very best...Ready to get started?

When I rebuilt List Me Now...
I wanted to make it as SIMPLE as possible...Idiot Proof!
Set it and forget it, perfection...
So don't expect a massive user manual or steep learning curve because...
You'll login into your Automated Search Engine Optimization Panel (List Me Now)...You'll come prepared with a good list of keywords that you want to rank for...
Then...You'll simply upload your keywords, enter your URL and then click AUTOMATE - You're done.
Seriously...You're done. That's all there is to it...
Over the next 10 days...List Me Now studies your website...It takes all your keywords and creates custom blog posts inside an entirely STEALTH LEVEL PBN (Private Blog Network) - And then...Using graduated steps, List Me Now builds a powerhouse of search-engine food on overdrive...
That's the "public" version...I've had to leave out the exact details to protect my process and also protect YOUR sites...
Google has no idea why it goes crazy for List Me Now, automatically optimized websites and I sure as Hell am not gonna' tell them...
What I can tell you however is that List Me Now is 100% Absolutely Guaranteed SAFE to use...There are no blackhat techniques employed at all...
In fact, everything is done precisely the way Google wants things done - But what Google doesn't know is that List Me Now kicks Google in the nuts so hard, it can't help but rank your site higher and higher in the search results - For the keywords you want!