Hello Friend, My name is Doctor Don Amell. For many years, my colleagues and myself made jokes about strange rumors we heard from our patients. These rumors, although often vague, told odd stories about 'night visitations' from ravenous rage-filled entities, described by ordinary citizens as Part-Potato, Part-Person - A Man-Vegetable, if you will and needless to say, although we were curious, these stories were frequently written off as the byproduct of drink but...
When I discovered the truth, when I experienced the story of a woman I'll call "Helen" and saw the shocking evidence for myself - I became convinced that people like you, ordinary people, people who make up the true America and the spirit of this great land, Friend, I never looked back...
But there is something you must know...

Yes! My research has taken me across America to solve the riddle and better yet, offer comfort and solution to every American who has a God given right to protect themselves and their families against the most horrific blight against humanity in the history of mankind...
Friend, I know you are with me. I know you believe in The Almighty and I know you are strong but can your heart stand the shocking facts, I will share with you today? I ask that you must be strong because when you know the truth about the Potato People, you simply cannot afford to walk away and live your life - Because the America we know and love, depends on you and more importantly, future generations of America depend precisely on the action you'll take today to protect yourself and your family from the Godless Man-Vegetables who seek to destroy us as you read this right now...
Yes, this shocking, original book contains the information you must know now about the Man-Vegetable plague that has beset our great nation!
The is the truth and the only source of trusted information about the real threat to our society that's unfolding around us as you read this now...
Unless you know the truth, unless you are prepared and unless you know how to take action, the future may very well be a grim place indeed..
The Green Movement is a lie and a despicable effort to distract you from this impending terror - By brainwashing a generation of Americans to consider the environment and by default, vegetables, our friends, is precisely the way, special interest groups hope to gain your trust...
Yes, woe to you America who believe that the world should be made a better place for vegetables - This Green Earth, this drive to nuture organic produce is merely a tool of the conspirators to enslave and make you victim of Man-Vegetables...
It is no coincidence that women were centered out as the primary focus of the Green Movement because it is by the very womb of women everywhere that Man-Vegetables seek to propagate...
My friends, take the time to read and clearly understand everything presented here today - It's true, this information could be the most important you read in your entire life...

Dr. Don Amell and Rabbi Arthur P. Kravitz detail the horrific back story behind the creation of Potato People (Man-Vegetables) and most importantly WHY. This shocking best-seller empowers you to take action and most importantly, protect yourself and your family from the coming wave of terror that has caught hold of America. Will America become The Home Of The Baked And Land Of The Fries - Or Will you take action today, before it's too late...
It Started As A Simple Genetic Experiment And Resulted In A Nightmare...
Top Secret Lab facilities in the Nevada desert worked to achieve the ultimate warrior for the US Military. By crossing the genetics of a common russet with human genes, it was hoped that a more robust soldier could be created but...
What foolish scientists didn't realize is that they were about to unleash a nightmare!
They created an insatiable fighting machine, an angry and blight resistant fighter, so savage that they quickly subdued the four-eyed, pinheads who had created them - And quickly infested the surrounding countryside with an unrelenting vengeance and fury without precedence - An unrelenting fury that could only be understood as pure savagery in the mind of a Man-Vegetable.
From Fries To Frightening...
Each year, Americans consume about 130 pounds of fresh and processed potatoes per person but you must know the startling truth, the tables are about to turn...
Yes, although the reports have been suppressed, much evidence suggest that Man-Vegetables (Savage killing machines, part man, part potato) are reproducing at an alarming rate (We'll reveal the startling details shortly..) - And worst of all...
Man-Vegetables are reportedly eating live human beings... Yes! - as disturbing as it sounds, we have good reason to believe that Man-Vegetables are cannibalistic - Often preying on the young, the weak, the individuals who trust too easily and don't heed the obvious warnings that we've worked so hard to bring to the general public...

Ms. Myrtle Windrop of Tingley, Iowa has already given birth to 15 potato people against her will - And is now under protection from the EPA against further insult. Willpower, door locks, spraying simply doesn't work. Unless you take action yourself, a White American woman you know may be in peril right now...
Wake Up America!
The Green Movement is the way that special interest groups hope to integrate Man-Vegetables into our society..
By creating a vegetation friendly society, it's believed that we'll all become brainwashed into accepting Potato People living in our own neighborhoods...
Think about how brainwashed we've become! There can be only one explanation.
American men have stopped breeding. The gay rights movement is moving into every facet of our society. Do you think it's a coincidence that gay men frequently choose organic or vegetable foods over a traditional red-blooded steak?
Yes, choosing vegetables is a lifestyle choice. When will it become clear that we are becoming enslaved to a 'green lifestyle' - Men, how long do you think it will be before your own daughter brings a vegetable home to meet you? Women, I can understand the appeal of vegetables but are you willing to bring down our entire society for endless salad days in the sun?
People need to wake up and know the truth now...

President Richard M. Nixon formed the Environmental Protection Agency. The true purpose was to regulate human/vegetable integration but the best intentions failed when Big Vegetable Interests wrongly sought to bring him down. President Nixon was no friend of vegetables and his continued use of Napalm (A compound that destroys vegetation) during the Vietnam War is clear evidence he was true American. His legacy was tarnished by those who sought to bring in a new age of green friendly traitors.
If Rumors Are True, Their Experiments Were Not Limited To Potatoes Alone...
Yes, unless something is done now. Unless you become informed now, our headlines tomorrow may be filled with stories of Killer Kale, Pedophilic Parsnips and Broccoli Boys...
Stop acting like a sissy and take action now. Nurturing healthier vegetables at this woeful stage in our history is as foolhardy as providing camembert to rats during the Bubonic Plague! My friends, have we become so stupid as a society that we can no longer recognize the enemy?
Do everything you can starting today. Are you a free man or already a vegetable yourself?
Demand several free plastic bags at the grocery store, what kind of man BRINGS a bag to go shopping?...Stop recycling and sorting your trash like a nurse maid, remember, who benefits? Do as our forefathers did before virile American men turned into girls. Your father likely threw the old washing machine in some farm field with gay abandon, and his generation fought the Nazis - What has happened to our society that we no longer honor the generation that fought Adolf Hitler, who was a vegetarian!!!!

Corporate Mascot Or Apocalyptic Vision Of Tomorrow?
Women respect your husband. Who says once you go green, there's no turning back?
Yes, information is power and all the power you need is right here, in this shocking but important book, None Dare Call It Potato...
You'll learn how to protect yourself and your family - Most importantly you'll learn how to stop playing into their game. Imagine the freedom of not separating cans from bottles and just throwing trash in the street again like you used to?
You'll learn how to speak to your children as an intelligent, real American. Imagine a world, where boys enjoy gas-guzzling noisy cars again instead of choosing a homosexual lifestyle and bright yellow golf carts as "green friendly" transportation.
And gals will find new liberation in telling their husbands to take out the trash and perhaps even enjoy a nice ride in the country together, to dump it in some field.
The breakdown of American Society is directly correlated to the Green Movement, this was a great country before Hippies!
Friends, it's no coincidence that Vodka is the number one drink in the Soviet Union and that Ivan chose to make that drink from potatoes. Let that be a wake up call to every true American - and get None Dare Call It Potato, Today!
At just $17 it's the smartest money you'll spend and could very well save your life...And best of all, you'll get Instant Access to the complete book in just minutes from now...
Dr. Don Amell and Rabbi Arthur P. Kravitz detail the horrific back story behind the creation of Potato People (Man-Vegetables) and most importantly WHY. This shocking best-seller empowers you to take action and most importantly, protect yourself and your family from the coming wave of terror that has caught hold of America. Will America become The Home Of The Baked And Land Of The Fries - Or Will you take action today, before it's too late...
"Our son, Troy, turned out gay (homosexual) and it started with the salad. Now he sorts his trash compulsively and carries a cloth bag everywhere he goes, this isn't why my brother Neil died fighting Jerry in the war...Thank God for real Americans like you, Doctor Amell. People got to know!"
Berle Weaver & Ester Nelles Nash Weaver, Honey Harbor, Maine
Yes, the time to act is now and for just $17 you can learn how to avoid Man-Vegetables, protect your family and yes, even build a new America that isn't based on some pipedream of Liberace...
Unless you get None Dare Call It Potato, today, it may already be too late. It's entirely possible that a Man-Vegetable has already been with a White American Woman you know right now...
The good news is, for just $17 you can change your life forever and protect yourself from the coming wave of Man-Vegetables...
I fully guarantee your purchase today and assure you that None Dare Call Potato, truly will change your life forever but...
You must take action now, supply is limited and the clock is ticking. Can your heart stand the shocking truth? Can your heart stand the possible outcome if you don't take the time and take action now, before it's too late?
Herb & Helen Smoigel Of Bratwurst, Pennsylvania agree, the vegetization of America must stop now before it's too late. If you're like Herb or a bit like Helen, you know that you must take action now. Get "None Dare Call It Potato" and help make America great again.
Dr. Don Amell

Man-Vegetables Are Breeding With White American Women!
As shocking as it sounds, women across America are reporting a disturbing trend that only serves as a strong warning about the evolving peril unfolding around us...
Man-Vegetables are reproducing via Average White American women at an alarming rate - It is believed that this sick, twisted travesty of science gone haywire is producing a new superior stock of Man-Vegetables more resistant to destruction and even more cunning that previously thought...
Unless you know the shocking truth about how to avoid contact with Man-Vegetables and most importantly how to protect yourself and those you love from this disturbing peril - Nobody is safe, absolutely no one...Your fate is sealed unless you know the truth, unless you are able to act, unless you know precisely how to seek out and destroy these Man-Vegetables for yourself - Our nation is seriously imperiled.
We will all be stalked, controlled, killed and possibly even be consumed alive by blood-thirsty, flesh-craving, spawns of Satan himself - A Godless and relentless unearthly Human Potato Hybrid - That seals our fate, ensures our doom and without swift action, could very well spell the end for human-kind as we know it..

The Answer Should Be Clear, Vegetables Are The Primary Benefactor Of The Green Movement And The Effort To Produce Healthier, More Organic Vegetables Should Only Serve To Frighten The Enlightened More!
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