Not to be used on animals, the elderly or mentally-challenged individuals. Should not be used on individuals operating a motor vehicle or heavy-machinery. Not a protection or security device. Not to be used for any act of terrorism, to incite panic or cause civil unrest. We shall not be held liable or any use or misuse of Remote Control Tingler. Cannot be used for personal stimulation and is not a medical device.
Other than a taser, bear spray or a live electrical wire, there simply isn't a better, safer or more legal way to stir things up...
Remote Control Tingler is a relatively safe, effective and FUN way to get revenge or just shake up anybody that has it coming.
Turn the frequency down to deliver an ongoing series of pulsing tingles, your victim will feel like their skin is crawling with bugs...
Turn up the frequency and squeal with delight as your enemies literally jump out of their pants with a startling super-charged shock that feels like they just put their tongue in a light socket.
Works at any distance...Non-traceable by law-enforcement and works just as well next door as it does across town or even another country.
It's also a lot of fun at parties...Imagine a house full of pretty girls stripped down to their panties, trying to figure out what's crawling on them...Think of what fun you could have during a sports game or religious ceremony. (Weddings, church service, even funerals!)
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 and it's worth every cent but it's for less than HALF PRICE when you purchase today...
What a great way to get revenge or just scare the Hell out of those damn kids who keep pissing in the yard at all hours...
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 but you won't pay that because it's Just $17 COMPLETE when you purchase today during this Limited Time Special Offer...
Get Instant Access in just minutes from now...Remote Control Tingler works on all computer systems and even mobile...You'll get online access immediately after your purchase today - 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction. No Questions Asked.
YES! Here's a real thrill that's sure to shake things up...Remote Control Tingler is the amazing radionic 'day wrecker' - A TOP SECRET SOFTWARE for ALL computers that delivers a startling jolt to anybody you target with just 1 or 2 simple clicks of the mouse...But here's the best part...
Start up this creepy little wonder box of thrills, name your enemy and deliver a remote control jolt to their day. Using advanced radionic impulses, this powerful and Top-Secret software delivers the effect of a sudden electrical shock to anybody on the receiving end of your wrath.
Secretly deliver sudden jolts to anyone from a variable range and sends them everything from a simple itch, an unsettling twitch, ungodly pulsing to full on pants-wetting hilarity...Safe enough to get the message across, powerful enough to make someone think twice the next time they cross you...It's way more fun and sure beats an assault charge...
Safely, anonymously and effortlessly blast them, zap them and ruin their day with the Remote Control Tingler...The ultimate in fun to use, sinister software not available anywhere else...

Your purchase today is 100% secure, private and confidential. It's also backed by our complete 100% Satisfaction Gurantee. You have a full 30 days to decide if this purchase is right for you or not.
You'll get everything in just minutes from now, including all bonus packages
and everything else for just one single payment today. You're 100% covered by our
Full Satisfaction Guarantee and you'll have 30 days to use and enjoy everything while
all the risk is on us. We know you'll be completely pleased with your 100% secure, private and confidential purchase today and we look forward to welcoming you...
Simply click the button below to get started right now...
Includes 1 Full Year Of Free Updates, Upgrades, Customer Service & Support.