Dive deep into the sacred science revealed inside the Mayan calendar, prophecies and mythology - The startling truth will shock you to the core because...
The Mayans believed multiple cycles governed civilization. They created various calendars to track these cycles. Their short count calendar tracked a 256-year cycle believed to control epidemics, famines, warfare and more BUT...
Scientists have recently discovered a 250-year solar cycle - INFORMATION SO SHOCKING, THE WORLD PRESS DIDN'T DARE REPORT IT.... But you're about to learn it for yourself in just minutes from now because..
This incredible SECRET CODE clearly shows the patterns which affect epidemics, famines, warfare and more and...

Most shocking of all...While the world awaited some 'magical' occurance in 2012 and some even feared the end of the world...What really happened is even more horrifying...And...
The shocking and unbelievable events are happening around us right now...Because...
The Mayans long count calendar tracked a 5000-year cycle related to natural disasters and cosmic catastrophes and...
Scientists have also discovered that the Earth is subjected to periodic bombardment by comets, asteroids, and other space debris that plunges the world into long periods of darkness and cold.
Mayan mythology recorded these events and in some instances even the exact dates on which these catastrophes occurred in the past. By comparing these dates with evidence from multiple scientific disciplines including ice core records, sedimentary records, and climate records...We know precisly what cataclysmic events will happen and when!
The 2012 Mayan Manifesto unveils the terrifying truth about civilization's darkest days to come. And what may lie ahead in the not to distant future.

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