Welcome to a record of the damned. "By damned," wrote Charles Fort in 1919, "I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of the data that Science has excluded." - And wow, is it mind-blowing...BECAUSE...
Fort's record of the unknown was one of the first to expose us to visitors from space, monsters, poltergeists, and floating islands. Frogs fall from the sky. Mysterious airships take flight in an age before the airplane. People disappear, reappear, and spontaneously combust and....
This amazing release, which you'll get access to in just minutes from now, is the most incredible and amazingly TRUE ACCOUNTS of some the most astonishing stories ever recorded...
The Book of the Damned has inspired scientists, science fiction writers, moviemakers, and devotees for almost a hundred years because...
The damned data Charles Fort gathered covered so many marvels, mysteries, and monsters--including unidentified aerial objects, frog falls, ship disappearances, red rains, earthquake lights, lake monsters, animal mutilations, psychic explosions, and much, much more- because...
Charles Fort was a trailblazer. What we call today paranormal or occult, together with all the relevant scientific investigations, in a few words what we'd expect from Mulder and Scully, to a large extent we owe to him. Here's a guy who lived in the '20s and researched old copies of Scientific American, Nature and other such periodicals and magazines, looking for the damned, the unexplainable, the excluded.
For what good is science, if it only chooses to include to its dogma what it can explain, sweeping under the carpet all that can be used to challenge its grand theories?
Giant, village-sized wheels submerged in the middle of the ocean; periodic rains of fish, frogs in various states of decay and of a gelatinous mass of unknown origin; falling stone discs, as in the quote above; meteors; lights in the sky moving in formation (reported in the 19th century); footprints of impossible creatures; giant hailstones; cannonballs entombed in solid rock AND....
That's just SOME of what you'll discover inside The Book Of The Damned...

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