My friends, Two thousand years ago, the advanced Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. The real cause has remained a mystery to the present day...And...
You may already know that Mayan prophecy and Mayan mythology are inseparable. To understand Mayan prophecy one must also understand Mayan mythology.
You cannot understand one without the other because...
Once you know the terrifying truth...
There will be no turning back...
We will not ask what we could have done. We will not look back and say
"I should have listened..."...In fact, my friends...
The only thing you will be able to say when the end days finally come is...
"Where shall I find my own grave...?"
The Mayan Prophecies were real..BUT...
We were mislead by charlatans and fools.
You did not learn of the real facts and
the real truth about...
But the good news is...
I'm about to share it with you right now...

My friends, the Mayans knew something about the future...And...
They told us, in their own words what awaits us for the period of 2017 until 2024...
These are the facts that no media wanted you to know and...
I will share the exact details with you inside The Mayan Codex...
You will learn of REAL lizard people who walk the Earth with us right now and are planning our destruction!
And unlike any other pyschic or clairvoyant, I will reveal the REAL name of the Anti-Christ...And I will even tell you precisely where he lives...And...
You will learn the things you can do right now to prepare for the end!
And you may ask, "Will everyone die on doomsday?"
And the answer may suprise you because...
In fact, almost everyone will be killed on doomsday except for a select group of people who know what must be done now!
Inside The Mayan Codex, you will learn...
What you must eat. Yes, certain vegetables will help you but these alone will not save souls. There are other steps you must take...
What you must wear and where you should live...
I will also name the names of several dead celebrities who will come back to life...
Stars such as Judy Garland, Paul Lynde and Conrad Veidt will walk among us as we grow closer to the end days...(I'll also share a startling revelation about Adolphe Menjou!)
Aliens will attempt to invade the earth from outer space but will be stopped by the secret weapon I will reveal inside The Mayan Codex...
A new dance craze will sweep America and this will be a clue to those of you "in the know" to prepare for doomsday...Those who know this information will live...Those who do not will perish in a pillar of flame! (Although some will fall down the stairs and others will be eaten by wild animals...)
These things and much, much more will be revealed inside...
Criswell Presents The Mayan Codex...

Here's a real thrill that's sure to shake things up...
Remote Control Tingler is the amazing radionic 'day wrecker' for Windows computers that delivers a startling jolt to anybody you target with just 1 or 2 simple clicks of the mouse...But here's the best part...
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 and it's worth every cent but it's YOURS FREE with your purchase today...
Start up this creepy little wonder box of thrills, name your enemy and deliver a remote control jolt to their day. Using advanced radionic impulses, this powerful and Top-Secret software delivers the effect of a sudden electrical shock to anybody on the receiving end of your wrath.
Remote Control Tingler is a relatively safe, effective and FUN way to get revenge or just shake up anybody that has it coming.
We've all had days where we'd like a way to really settle a score with somebody but you don't feel like going out or getting arrested. Physicial violence, stalking and haraassment are all crimes for good reason but...
Fortunately for you, the law still hasn't defined if delivering a powerful electrical shock to someone utlizing metaphysical energy is illegal or not...
And let's face it, sticking pins in a voodoo doll is so old school...Not to mention, absolutely ridiculous...So why not let them have it with a blast of technology instead? AND...
Using Remote Control Tingler, is just plain simple and fun...
Turn the frequency down to deliver an ongoing series of pulsing tingles, your victim will feel like their skin is crawling with bugs...
Turn up the frequency and squeal with delight as your enemies literally jump out of their pants with a startling super-charged shock that feels like they just put their tongue in a light socket.
Works at any distance...Non-traceable by law-enforcement and works just as well next door as it does across town or even another country.
It's also a lot of fun at parties...Imagine a house full of pretty girls stripped down to their panties, trying to figure out what's crawling on them...Think of what fun you could have during a sports game or religious ceremony. (Weddings, church service, even funerals!)
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 but you won't pay that because it's YOURS FREE with your purchase today...

Not to be used on animals, the elderly or mentally-challenged individuals. Should not be used on individuals operating a motor vehicle or heavy-machinery. Not a protection or security device. Not to be used for any act of terrorism, to incite panic or cause civil unrest. We shall not be held liable or any use or misuse of Remote Control Tingler. Cannot be used for personal stimulation and is not a medical device.
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